Baby Jesus I saw today at Avignon, France.

    by ifarmekerma


    1. Glum-Raspberry7295 on

      Bald at such a young age, might be a member of the royal family in the UK. I know one is bald and the other isn’t, do the math.

    2. dullbutnotalways on

      Hey everyone, I just gave birth to this little guy, not only that but I’m still a virgin.

    3. “Whaddya looking at, buddy? Yeah, yeah, I know I ain’t no baby… so what? How is that YOUR business? I got a sweet gig here so don’t mess it up. So, uh, go in peace with the blessings of the Lord and all that. *SCRAM.”*

    4. After looking at too many paintings in the the Uffizi Gallery museum for too long, we got the church giggles over the many different Madonnas and babies. There are sooo many. Fat ones, skinny ones, sickly ones, ugly ones. Some so big, like this one, with an exasperated mother. “Shouldn’t you be doing miracles or healing the sick or something? Let go my boob and change some water into wine for me, why don’tcha?”

    5. How is no one mentioning that “baby” Jesus has a hold of Mom’s boob and looks like he is about to twist it into a balloon dachshund?

    6. InstagramYourPoop on

      Little guy has a serious two-handed grip on that right side tittay there. No wonder Mary has such a strained look on her face.

    7. When the artist is commissioned to draw a baby, but they’ve never seen one before in their life

    8. dampishslinky55 on

      Baby Jesus has a receding hairline and looks like he only got every other weekend with his kids in the divorce.

    9. “Baby baby….yeah a baby….sure
      …I can paint a baby…I mean, they’re just small versions of adults, right? How hard could it be? 🤷🏻‍♂️”

    10. ciaranciaranciaran on

      Two monks in the monastery

      “Hey man, sorry to bother you; just finishing this Madonna and child and….he he… feel so stupid but what do babies look like again?”

      “Hey dude yeah no stress at all, it’s genuinely a tricky one. So they’re only slightly smaller than a grown adult male in reality. Usually with a fully grown head of hair that’s already got a balding crown and the facial features of a 70 year old man. They grow into their baby looks later”

      “I did not know that”

      “It’s pretty rare info tbf. Painting looks great tho”

    11. Go to for more hilarity. Or just do a Web search for ‘ugly baby Jesus’. Many fine art- history examples.

    12. Jesus looks like he’s taking a quick break before going back to study for his actuary licensing exam

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