Trump walks onto the debate stage to the Lynyrd Skynyrd song “That Smell”

    by FishermanEven4730


    1. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

      “I can smell Donald from here. It’s a mixture of bad hygiene and rancid fear”

      A debate line I’d like from Harris.

    2. FishermanEven4730 on

      Can we get a GoFundMe page started to bribe an employee of the debate to play this song when Trump walks out?

    3. PebblyJackGlasscock on

      Lynyrd Skynyrd is among the many, many artists who’ve C&D’ed the use of their music by TFG.

    4. pinhead-designer on

      He is a highly evolved human and this is a superpower. Truly an advanced being – I would follow him anywhere, just not that closely and upwind if possible.

    5. FourArmsFiveLegs on

      Kamala: “Donald, what in the fuck is that smell? Seriously, what the fuck is that? Go change your God damn pants right now”

    6. honestly, they probably didn’t need the song to announce the coming stench. it was probably telegraphed like the concussion wave of a nuclear blast.

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