No scar

    by IsThisAUserName86


    1. dutch_mapping_empire on

      me buddys father’s a **otolaryngologist** (ear doctor) and he said about this that he was probably barely hit and the wound was very small but bloody bc of the blood vessels there.

    2. Prudent-Pin-8781 on

      He’s also suppressing the medical report for the so called injury. Why does this guy want to hide everything?

    3. Are you suggesting that men in their seventies don’t have a fantastic healing factor? Are you not aware of his genes? Did you know he had an uncle at MIT?

    4. ElectricalRush1878 on

      People died.

      Trump isn’t brave enough to stand in the line of fire.

      It wasn’t staged.

    5. outer_fucking_space on

      It wasn’t staged. He just got glass shards. If you’ve ever crawled out of a wrecked car you’d know how much that can make you bleed.

      If it were a bullet it would be obvious.

    6. There’s no way it was staged. Trumps team is not competent enough to pull such a thing off. Everyone from the local police to the shooter would have to have been in on it and naaaahhhhh. More likely he got a scratch from the glass (Which would bleed a fair bit) and bullshitted about a chunk of his ear being shot off by the bullet itself.

    7. If he was hit and left in a coma, the Republican party would still allow him to run and it would be a close race with whatever candidate the Democrats could throw at him. Such is the power of a cult

    8. So, the need for that huge bandage was definitely a lie. Sure, maybe there was a tiny cut that bled a lot. But that bandage? What was it covering?

    9. Come on. He cares so much about his appearance that he would pay top dollar for plastic surgery to minimize the scar as much as possible. I don’t like him either, but no need to go full-conspiracy.

    10. Tbh I’d noticed that it had healed within days, not weeks. On the other hand, we didn’t actually see the damage caused, so I can only go with what I imagine the damage the bullet from a rifle ripping through cartilage would look like. Also, he probably has access to a decent plastic surgeon.

    11. The thing happening wasn’t staged. But the “serious” wound and playing victim by the mentally insane nursing home escapee was

    12. billymartinkicksdirt on

      You can see the discoloration. It was very minor, but real and a real assassination attempt.

      As a Democrat, I wish Reddit would get a grip. All the bots and conspiracies make this ejection season feel so lame.

    13. It wasn’t staged, he just wasn’t shot.

      His ear was most like hit with a piece of teleprompter that shattered after being hit with a round, it would cause a minute cut to his ear, which would bleed a lot because the ears do that, but wouldn’t leave a large or noticeable scar.

    14. Difficult_Counter449 on

      The image of the bullet that hit him was too low to hit the top of his ear. It’s right there for everyone to see if they choose to look.

      Also look at his press releases the week after… 3/4 days after. There was never anything to see.

    15. Remember during W’s presidency he kept alluding to weapons of mass destruction as the reason for the invasion? Remember how none was ever found? It seems that Republican’s can say whatever they want, accuse anyone of anything, have a life threatening event happen, and never have to prove it one way or another. Who’s gonna challenge them?

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