Anyone else just sick of this POS?

    by Harvard771


    1. After looking at the racial demographic makeup of PA, I’ve decided this asshole thinks I’m stupid.

    2. An interview by Comrade Fucker Carlson eh? MUST be true. And TOTALLY not paid for by the Putin collective…


    3. lol, i think the internal polling just hit. he’s losing in pennsylvania, he probably thinks it’s already lost. this pretext is just prepping his maga faithful for his future lies.

      let’s make this loser accountable on election day.

      i’ll make sure to do my part and vote. if you haven’t registered yet, it’s a good time to do it, registration deadlines are coming up. checking if your registration is up to date, is probably also a good idea.


      you can check your state’s voter registration deadline from the website below if you haven’t registered yet. after you select your state, there should also be links for you to register/check registration status(registration lookup):



    4. You know… you got any actual evidence this time? Or, just “an interview” with a “election expert”?

    5. UsedCouchesAndGloves on

      Early voting hasn’t even started yet in PA. The fuck is he talking about? Theres no data anywhere that could indicate his bullshit.

    6. Remember Tucker Carlson just started a show on Russian state TV, so everything he’s says is a an anti American lie

    7. While deep down I hope if he loses he will just get tossed into the garbage by MSM and we can all move on from this cancer, I have a feeling it won’t be that easy. He will cry moan and stir up more and more shit.

      He’s not gonna spend time in jail, he’s already senile, so it’s just a logical step to grift Trump 2028…

    8. Yousoggyyojimbo on

      After 9 years of this shit I just want him to go away forever. More than a quarter of my life has been this guy causing stress and agitation and I would legitimately be a happier person if he just straight up disappeared.

    9. An election expert – english professors – some of the brilliant minds – say this, say that, he never gives an actual name of an actual person as a source, but only use his imaginary friends to support his lies.

    10. Yet more Russian propaganda from Comrade Carlson.



      Hey, good plan pal, buuuuut, isn’t your daughter-in-law doing what you told her to do? That being funneling as much of the RNC funds into your legal battles as possible? Too bad you’re bleeding your only allies dry…

    12. Amazing-Exit-2213 on

      BTW FUCK Scott Perry TRAITOR. Innocent people don’t solicit presidential pardons. He tried to invalidate PAs votes in 2020, including mine. I’ll never forget nor forgive. Vote Blue top to bottom of ballot!

    13. Exactly where are these thousands of fake ballots? 20% are fake but they can’t even find one? Really?

    14. Look we know it’s the same DonOld. It’s the same playbook, work the refs, swear your opponent is cheating beforehand. This way when you lose, you can say you see I told you it was fake and fraud. The reality is they analyzed over 1.5 billion votes and found 31. So in the upcoming election that would be the equivalent of say 160 170 million Americans voting then there would be four yes I said four fraudulent ballots and almost all the times when there was election fraud it was a single individual of the Republican Party.

    15. MisterSneakSneak on

      “the RNC must activate…” isn’t his family in charge of it now meaning he can do what he’s asking lol

    16. Well I heard a full 65% of Male GOP voters have irreversible erectile dysfunction. It has to be true, otherwise, why would I have heard it somewhere?

    17. toooooold4this on

      We are 57 days from the election and election officials cannot by law begin mailing out ballots until 50 days before the election.

      So, what the fuck is he talking about?

    18. Teacherforlife21 on

      So let me make sure I understand this. Apparently, 20% of the mail in ballots that haven’t been mailed in yet are fraudulent. We must correct all of the fraudulent activity that hasn’t taken place yet. Did I get that correct?

      How the hell do they know 20% of something that hasn’t happened yet as fraudulent?

    19. Alberta_Flyfisher on

      Saying 20% now gives a number he can refer to later to appear legitimate. He’s pushing hard to be able to cry wolf when he loses.

    20. Starman1001001 on

      GodDAMNIT, fuck this guy. I am so done listening to a nearly 80-year old crybaby bitch and whine all fucking day long.

    21. Tucker who? … Oh, right, Tucker Carlson! The guy Fox News fired after paying a three-quarters-of-a-billion-dollar out-of-court settlement for making shit up.

      Yeah, he sounds trustworthy.

    22. senioradvisortoo on

      The Republican Party is such a bunch of poor losers, the have to lie, cheat and steal to win any election.

    23. Did he name the so-called “election expert” or link to the alleged interview? Not that it matters to his mouth-breathing followers, but I’d be willing to bet he made all this up.

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