Be careful who you support

    by Financial__Pear


    1. iRedditAlreadyyy on

      It’s interesting how republicans want everyone to have more and more kids and then when the population gets bigger they are like “HOW ARE WE GONNA AFFORD TO HEAL ALL OF THESE PEOPLE”

      Republicans are the parody of those “if you can’t feed em don’t breed em” bumper stickers.

    2. Tossing_Goblets on

      Somehow other more civilized countries take care of their people’s health care all over the world.

    3. how many quadrillions will Socialist Trump’s “free Gov’t Socialist Marxist Healthcare” free IVF treatments for everyone on the tax-payer dime cost?

    4. Oldskoolguitar on

      Just think of the bombs we could make for 17 trillion.

      Or ya know we could use it to sure up all the systems and pay down the debt that Republicans don’t seem to care about anymore.

    5. Informal_Process2238 on

      The republicans paid for a study to compare the costs of both medicare for all and regular insurance, the study showed medicare for all would be much cheaper. So when they tell you that the current way is better they definitely know they are lying to you.

    6. ImmediatelyOrSooner on

      Universal healthcare is so difficult only about 70% of the planet has figured it out.

    7. I still pay in every month to Medicare. It doesn’t pay for itself. A lot cheaper than what regular insurers want.

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