Mining new levels of cringe.

    by Unhappy_Trade7988


    1. Electronic_Slide_236 on

      The whole world gets to watch the most high profile and expensive mid-life crisis in history.

      Hell, leather jackets are basically the essential mid-life crisis uniform.

    2. Capitalism in theory: rewards most intelligent members of society because they advance mankind

      Capitalism in practice:

    3. NachoBag_Clip932 on

      If you define efficiency as how quickly you can lose $44 billion, then yes, you are the man for the job.

    4. “Norma, you’re a woman of 50, now **grow up**. There’s nothing tragic about being 50, not unless you try to be 25.”

      – Joe Gillis from SUNSET BLVD.

    5. Accomplished-Ad1919 on

      I’ve said this many times but he keeps making me say it – what a fucking dork.

      This meme alone should tell you how stupid a potential Trump presidency would be.

      Vote this shit away!

    6. FrankieBennedetto on

      So this guy is like, sitting there making cool guy pictures of himself on his computer and posting them on Twitter? 

    7. His daughter and ex-wife seriously damaged him. I think he’d been able to hide his insecurities before that, but they are all out there now. Anything that reminds him of them triggers him so he’s gone full magat.

    8. SmarterThanYouIRL on

      Yes, but you’re only as old as you act. So technically, he’s basically still a toddler

    9. That’s the sound of vaginas everywhere drying and locking up.

      Hell, I don’t even have one and it’s like the Sahara down there.

    10. He’s 53 and it shows, given how he is still trying to seem cool with a meme that peaked +10 years ago

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