Needs to be called out

    by BirthdayBoyStabMan


    1. helixmoonstudios on

      In some of their defenses though, I watched A LOT of my white friends drop their entire family and or church when the orange BS started because they just weren’t bigoted and weren’t willing to compromise their morals to “Keep the peace”. Lots of Friendsgivings and Friend Christmases the past few years because of it. But yes – we could always use more.

    2. I can’t speak for them, but… logic can’t penetrate the cocoon of Fox News reports and social media misinformation. People out there are freaking gone, man.

    3. I guess I was just assuming the rona would handle it? (Also… They don’t answer the phone anymore when I call.)

    4. They are addicted to being miserable, angry people who only seek out more things to be miserable and angry about

    5. Oh I do, I’m doing my part. But you can only try to push the ignorant in the right direction, it’s up to them to get there

    6. I’m aware this is BPT and I’m white but this post sucks. If I could magically change their minds I would. They don’t give a fuck what I think.

    7. No-Astronomer139 on

      I have a lot of white friends. They and their families are either liberal or they’ve said “we agree to not talk about politics” when their family is conservative.

    8. Bruh, they don’t give a single fuck about what we say. Doesn’t matter what facts, what statistics you show them. You can be aggressive or as polite and open-minded as you want; they won’t budge.

      They’re either too brainwashed, too prideful, or are just straight-up bigots.

    9. Most of us have tried repeatedly, but they can’t be reasoned with so many of us walked away from the relationships altogether.

      I’ve tried every approach I can think of, they refuse to stop being bigoted sacks of shit. So I refuse to speak to them.

    10. Oooh I tried. Sad thing is these types of people are the stubborn ones that think they know everything. The concept of having an open mind is very foreign

    11. jshilzjiujitsu on

      We tried that. They were a lost cause. I haven’t talked to half of my family in about 7 years.

    12. Mediocre-Proposal686 on

      Hey I at least got my dad to not vote at all in this election. He’ll never vote democrat. It’s the best I could hope for

    13. I wish, OP, trust me. It’s like talking to a racist brick wall that makes fart jokes when they don’t have a comeback.

    14. DoctahFeelgood on

      I’m starting to think yall have never talked to a Trumper before. There truly is no arguing against them. Even if you point out their bs, they’ll make an excuse. Just watch Jordan klepper try and talk to them. He’s lighting them up and most don’t even notice he’s doing so. They make fools of themselves but believe they’re the smartest person in the room. Complete disconnect from reality.

    15. I was recently told that school shootings not being taken serious by Republicans are the same as Democrats cheering for gender affirming surgery. How do you even deal with that level of disconnect.

    16. redditcensorsshit on

      Well white people is a broad term and none of my up titey whitey family is voting orange

    17. I tried . It ended up with him choking me, threatening to shoot and kill me. I defended myself then ended up In jail for 6 weeks with felony assault charges .

    18. white people? We need to talk our own people down!!! Include the black Tesla owners as well.

    19. I’m seeing a LOT of Pro-Trump, Anti-Harris rhetoric from Black males, so lets address that too.

    20. I gotta be honest bro. I don’t know if you missed that entire period of 2016 & 20, but these White jokers were out here disowning family trees because of that shit. A good grip were cutting off the ones who were too far gone.

      [Don’t know if y’all have talked to the average trump supporter but](…This gif is accurate


    21. Imagine that one Black guy you know who is voting for Trump and now multiply that person by 4 and now you try talking those four illogical people who think Trump is the best thing for Black people into voting for Kamala.

    22. They do not want to hear reason, they just hate to hate and they love it, they actually laugh and smile if they know they are getting under our skin even when faced with facts, they still called it fake or a lie. So I just shame them constantly

    23. I WAS trying to get them to vote for RFK jr. thinking that would be easier than getting them to vote for harris

    24. LastDaysCultist on

      It’s a cult and you can’t always deprogram people.
      I’ve cut a lot of family members off/gone no contact.

      It’s hard/sad but ultimately necessary.

    25. PM_ME__UR__FANTASIES on

      Bro did you just get into a Time Machine to 2016? Did you miss the past EIGHT FUCKING YEARS of us trying to do that?

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