Once a liar always a liar

    by Detroitish24


    1. Is he eating Haagen-Dazs ice cream?

      Hmm … maybe the Trump campaign did a little Photoshopping. I don’t see any Big Mac wrappers or Happy Meals.

    2. this_name_not_that on

      Grossly exaggerated maybe, but not staged.

      Someone has died. Please stop the nonsense.

    3. Guys.

      Can we stop with the coping. It happened, it was real, someone actually died. Please just move on.

    4. Can we laugh at the fact that he’s on a private plane eating ice cream out of the tub?  There is even a plate under!  Why not put it on a bowl? 

    5. Every_Character9930 on

      Staged? Please. We don’t need conspiracism on our side.

      He was hit by a fragment and had a small flesh wound.

    6. > And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

      Revelations 13:3

    7. Not staged, but not shot with a bullet either. Both can be simultaneously true. He was shot at, and someone else was hit and died- That day was Trump’s gimme; a wake up call that would make many, if not most folks, take stock and change their ways. Instead Trump and his minions doubled down. Has Trump or any of his team admitted that the perp was one of his own party members?

    8. The injury to his ear had to be exceedingly small. That part of the ear does bleed a lot. So that makes sense. What’s odd was his reaction. Was he reacting to the sound? Because that part of your ear is not sensitive. I was cut by a barber student and it bled well before I felt it. If the injury was so minor, I highly doubt that he would have felt it immediately.

      I don’t doubt that he was shot at. But few things about this make sense.

    9. JoeRogansNipple on

      Is this mf eating a pint of haagan daas on a silver plate? How do people think this cheeto is relatable?

    10. I don’t think it was staged, but I do think he got (barely) hit with a small piece of glass shrapnel after a bullet hit the monitor

    11. honorsfromthesky on

      I completely oppose this candidate on every single issue; before the apprentice he was a well know shady character in NYC. Someone did try to shoot him though, a man died in the crowd. Let’s leave disinformation to the GOP.

    12. gomezwhitney0723 on

      I don’t think it was staged, but, his “injuries” were grossly exaggerated. One of his sons posted that he was missing part of his ear – that clearly isn’t true. I called it from the second I saw that huge bandage that I doubt there was more than a scratch. He took the situation and tried to play the sympathy card to look like a hero and his cult ate it up like he knew they would.

    13. -non-existance- on

      Are we seriously going to stoop to their level of conspiracy? We’re better than this.

      Staged or not, people got hurt.

      The SS killed the shooter. I don’t know how many people would be willing to sacrifice themselves for a shitty political stunt that isn’t even guaranteed to work. Not to mention, since actual bullets flew, Trump would have to take a *huge* risk of not getting actually shot by a guy who was notorious for getting kicked off gun ranges for being such a terrible shot.

      Please just stop.

    14. How is it possible for an ear that was struck by a bullet or grazed by a bullet not have a mark on it? I would love to see an explanation from a MAGA cult member.

    15. There might have been a nick? I really would hate to deal in conspiracies. It would mean that kid was either a willing sacrifice his parents (or someone) indoctrinated him to kill himself essentially.
      I would rather believe ears bleed a lot even with a small cut, trump milked that shit, and despite all that – no-one gave a fuck that he was almost ‘killed’. Literally no-one. The entire world just said ‘meh’.

    16. My wife’s leg was nicked by a scythe when she was 10. Fifty years later, she has a scar. Staged!

    17. Completely. Please some wealthy Liberal launch your own investigation into this farce. A man died. Two others were seriously injured. All for a dramatic platform for which this Orange Seriously Orange Poisonous Thing can have a good political film of his martyrdom.

    18. Hustlers gonna hustle. Grifters gonna grift.

      He’s on a private jet – paid for by his suckers! 😂

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