Kendrick has taught us that the biggest haters can win. That man was playing chess while Drake was playing whatever he thought the game was.

    by mindyour


    1. thevirginmary60 on

      Kendrick said “fuck around and find out” and Drake is finding out more than he could have ever imagined

    2. Drake gonna take the most legendary L when the entire country is shouting “certified lover boy, certified pedophile”

    3. Getting dissed in front of 70 thousand and 120 million watching at home is preposterous activities 😂

    4. “Now let me say, I’m the biggest hater/ I hate the way that you walk, I hate the way that you talk”

    5. Noooo I’ll give up my dog to not have my next 2 weeks of BPT become this circlejerk. It’s only marginally better than “gender war” shit

    6. theganjaoctopus on

      Just here to say several of us have been drawing parallels between Aubrey and R. Kelly (and their fans) for the better part of a decade. If it walks like a duck and raps like a duck and has a weird interest in girls of questionable age like a duck… 🤷

    7. Specific_Berry6496 on

      I don’t usually care about the Super Bowl, but I’m gonna have to get to a party for this one.

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