Python taking a dump

    by sonicagain


    1. theoriginalbabayaga on

      Never once in my life did I wonder how any critter craps. This pretty much assures I never will.

    2. Why is it white? I would have thought eating meat and veg wouldn’t result what looks like poached eggs or mozzarella balls!

    3. mydosemakesangels on

      ARGH! Now, whenever I’m asked the question: “Ever see a snake take a shit?” I will no longer be able to answer “No.” 🖕

    4. This Reticulated python is not having a dump.
      It’s just having a wee, snake poo looks a lot like dog poo, small colour, shape etc.

    5. SheBelongsToNoOne on

      I didn’t want to see this but, once I started watching I couldn’t stop. It was disgusting nature.

    6. Well, my god. Never in a million years did I think I’d watch a python shit while trying to innocently scroll. I must now share this trauma with all my friends and family because what in the actual fuck did I just see.

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