Another Successful Trump Venture

    by UpDnCrazyTown


    1. I don’t think he put any money into it, it’s all rubes. So it’s just a question of whether it’s a very- or somewhat-successful grift.

    2. Yup..he didn’t buy anything…just sold millions of shares to his idiot followers. It’d only be a good “investment” if you sold short or bought puts.

    3. His shares are worth a few billion on paper. Elon will offer pennies on the dollar and absorb the subscribers…. pocket change to him. Trump will receive several hundred million and pay no tax since it’s a capital loss. Then he’ll then use the capital loss to offset any capital gains thus paying zero income tax again on any liquidated capital for the next few years and getting a few hundred million from nothing. The investors will all be left holding the bag. It’s just the kind of thing people like Trump get away with since the system is stacked against the middle class and favors the ultra wealthy.

    4. Cosmic_Meditator777 on

      apparently truth social stock is run from a building with more rock bottoms than a gay orgy

    5. He’s gonna dump it asap, like all his other crap:

      From Forbes: “…the earliest possible date Trump can sell is Sept. 19 if Trump Media shares remain above the $12 threshold, not a guarantee with a $17 share price Friday, and the latest his selling window would open is Sept. 25, the end of the opening six-month period of DJT’s direct public listing.”

      Fingers crossed this pos drops below $12 this week!

    6. SingleMaltMouthwash on

      Is that the graph for DJT or for Trump Airlines?

      Trump Vodka?

      Trump Water?

      Trump Casino?

      It’s not the graph for Trump University or Trump’s charity because they were shut down for being a criminally fraudulent.

      Anyway, back to winning!

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