His ability to go on Fox & fact check them is incredible.

    by CadenMcfate


    1. EmperorBamboozler on

      They always talk about left leaning cities and crime. Just whipping stones in a glass house as hard as possible. You never seem to see them talking about gun crime rates in Memphis or Birmingham.

    2. shesinsaneornot on

      Secretary Buttigieg opened his speech at the DNC with thank yous and “Here is a sentence I never thought I’d hear myself saying, **I’m Pete Buttigieg and you might recognize me from Fox News.**”

    3. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Fox are insane

    4. I watched that interview on Youtube and for every question directed Pete’s way he had an instant response that knocked the ball out of the park. Pete always has the answers that counter these conservative dimwits and Pete lives by the motto- never go into a gun fight with just a knife.

    5. Stupid comparison. Chicago isn’t a state. It’s a city. Search up the city with the highest, most disproportionate murder rate in Mississippi and the politicians in charge of it. Then we can talk

    6. Now if you go to voter demographics of Mississippi and see where the gun deaths are, surprise surprise, it’s in the parts that vote blue.

    7. Chicago doesn’t have control over gun policy. We tried that. Was declared unconstitutional.

      Sooooo…. Talking about gun policy at the city level is stupid, since republicans tried to and got any local level policies squashed.

    8. phdthrowaway110 on

      We need to stop voting for politicians whose only skills are talking. We need more people who can do things to help improve the government, not more yappers.

    9. I watch this man a lot. He is a marvel when he talks. Before Walz was announced my money was on him.

    10. Surely it’s actually a bad sign that while he does this none of our media outlets do so when, say, Crus or Abbot are talking?

    11. The United States had to check off the Narcissist Moron for President box , before Gay White effective male box.

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