Thanks gop

    by uDoucheChill


    1. Quirky_Dog5869 on

      I’m all up for bashing gun usage in the USA, but let’s not forget about all the native indian kids in Canadian boarding schools before yelling no kid ever died in a Canadian school…..

    2. > We also don’t have dead kids

      We do have dead kids. The vast majority of them don’t die from being shot by people wielding assault rifles.

    3. Canada had 8 recorded school shooting in it’s history. 4 where high school and 4 where higher education.
      We don’t really have guns. It’s not easy to get a gun it take weeks/months to get guns.
      We actually have gun control. That’s the only thing that make it rare here.
      NRA is the biggest problem in the U.S.
      Because even without republicans it will solve a lot of U.S. issues but sadly not the gun problem.

    4. Clickityclackrack on

      It is weird man. In this country, the usa, the moment something becomes a problem it becomes illegal. People would OD on heroin and meth so they outlawed them. People driving without insurance became a problem when accidents happened. People driving while drunk. These things became problems and we changed the laws real quick. Guns and religion have always had special exceptions for these things. Hell, we make things illegal that aren’t a problem like weed. I mean religion could be used as an excuse to destroy idk buildings and no one would even consider changing it. But if one hippie or black person smoked near nixon, man, they would outlaw smoking weed instantly.

      “Oh so you want to outlaw religion?!”

      I didn’t say or even imply that.

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