Can JD do one thing without being weird?

    by JulietAlfaTango


    1. ryhaltswhiskey on

      I just can’t see anything other than “awkward fat kid” with this guy. It’s a shame but that doesn’t change my opinion that he’s not even close to Presidential.

    2. Meh.

      I prefer swimming with a long sleeve swim shirt because I hate both sunscreen and skin cancer.

    3. Green-Umpire2297 on

      He didn’t really do this. Did he? Oh dear.

      Cue Tim Walz with the 10/10 cannon ball 

    4. It only takes one severe sun burn from the deadly laser that is our sun to make a person wear a shirt. I prefer an actual swim shirt from Ron Jon or something similar myself

    5. so he’s either ashamed of his terrible body or he has some suspect tattoos like a rebel flag or something. either way he’s a weirdo

    6. Conans_Loin_Cloth on

      I have a swim shirt because I burn easy, and I have a few tattoos i want to keep from fading. He probably does the same thing, but instead of tattoos of skulls and band logos, he’s probably got some white power shit going on.

    7. Short answer: no. Long answer: still no and he will back it up by saying some thing that is both weird and racist.

    8. I will say that I spent the second half of my vacation in Jamaica doing the same thing after a bad sunburn.

    9. Oh ffs. JD is a POS, but wearing a shirt while swimming is nothing. Can we concentrate on the real reasons he sucks? Like the presumably racist tattoos he’s trying to hide

    10. A lot of people are saying he has a swatstika tattoo across his chest. We are just asking questions!

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