Does this belong here?

    by NYARNGrecruiter


    1. Holy crap balls! I’d be running if I saw someone roll that up. Jesus some people are really trying for their Darwin award.

    2. fromouterspace1 on

      This has to be a joke. Those aren’t like 20 year olds either, you’d think they’d know

    3. JFC; are people *really* this ignorant of what that is? Nothing like a trip to the beach for a little terraforming

    4. Isn’t that an explosive? Why are more and more people approaching it…? Why are they even trying to pull it out…?

    5. Gloomy-Shoe-4021 on

      I thought it was gonna explode and kill everybody but then I saw there was no NSFW tag.

    6. Blazingcheetah on

      It might not be a contact mine or they’re extremely lucky and it’s rotted which I doubt

    7. How the fuck does a SINGLE PERSON there not know it’s a fucking underwater mine? The ignorance of some people… Holy shit.

    8. LochNessMansterLives on

      I literally wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot pole. I would also be yelling (from a safe distance, mind you) that it could explode any minute but I doubt anyone there would have listened if they are actively trying to roll it out of the ocean. Just straight up Darwinism in action. Luckily for them they get a reprieve…this time.

    9. Brings new meaning to have a blast at the beach!
      Those mines are magnetic so when a ship drives by they are attracted to hull. This is why mine sweepers and mine hunters ships have no/limited metal onboard them. Explosives are very unstable after a long period of time. During Desert Storm Saddam Hussein dropped a bunch of these in Northern Arabian Gulf. I was there in 2005-6 and they(coalition forces) are still conducting mine recovery operations.

      Edit: How I know is I observed a mine sweeper at night. Sweeping an area I was just patrolling! That will make you take a double take.

    10. The_Great_Goutsby69 on

      So that seams to be a chemical horn mine, and the last thing you’d want to do, if it is, is pull it by the horns. Those are designed to create a chemical reaction when broken that initiates the explosion

    11. VintageVexation on

      Sometimes people’s complete disregard for their safety makes me question the intelligence of humans as a whole

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