This man stole $122M from Facebook & Google by simply sending them random bills which they paid.

    by yomommafool


    1. Alaska-Now-PNW on

      Just goes to show how tight of an operation they run. And this is who we trust with our information?

    2. Dark Net Dairies did a whole pod cast episode on this, pretty interesting.
      Edited: E124 Synthetic Remittance

    3. Live-Firefighter2495 on

      If he stopped at half of that amount he stole he probably wouldn’t ever be caught, but greed man

    4. harderwiekertje on

      He didn’t get arrested for just sending stupid bills, but he pretended to be real companies they work with. And that was the problem, not the fact he sent random bills.

    5. Lmao if you have so much money that you can pay bills of that amount and not notice it, I mean who’s really at fault here? 😂

    6. Educated_Clownshow on

      This begs the question, if they’re paying invoices, what if I can legitimize them?

      Call them, spend xx time on the phone with them, and that’s my billable rate lol

    7. Don’t these companies have an internal control system? Any bill without an associating order must not be paid.

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