1. IAmNotTheBabushka on

      But just to be clear, this graph alone is by no means a reflection of the candidate’s abilities in public health management, right?

      Because your title heavily implies that people should vote for Biden because he caused less Covid-19 deaths, which is completely untrue, right?

      I’m no fan of Trump, but misinformation with statistics is not the way to win this election… right?

    2. expanding-universe on

      Yeah. The virus hit cities first, then moved to rural areas. Then the vaccines came out. I think everything that came after is self explanatory.

    3. theangryburrito on

      They are not saying anything about how Biden or Trump handled Covid (though obviously Biden handled it way better) but rather that as we approach the election a bunch more potential trump voters are dead from Covid than potential Harris voters.

    4. I’ve been wondering how many maga voters have died due to COVID (as well as COVID denial policies/personal actions) in these anti-mask, anti-vax parts of the country. In a close election even a few thousand would be voters makes a difference.

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