Contradiction is strong in this household

    by Rave4life79


    1. MiningTurtle95 on

      Remember the people who support Trump also say they support police. *cuts to video of Magas attacking the police*

    2. Reasonable-HB678 on

      The National Fraternal Order of Police, that is the best/worst example of the support for Trump with an endorsement.

    3. One of the advantages of the Americans school system that you can be completely stupid, but still be able to read a little bit.

    4. HahaYouCantSeeMeeee on

      They don’t actually believe he did any crimes. Therefore, the l label of felon is meaningless to them.

    5. Fickle-Molasses-903 on

      Republicans: ‘We want police to go after the people we hate.’ ‘Leave us alone when we’re trying to stage a coup.’

    6. The largest police association/union (I’m not American) just went on record the other day that they’re fully backing Trump so the signs kind of make sense.

    7. Not really. Back the badge means – support rogue, racist cops who kill innocent people for the sake of the white race. So that tracks with the extremism strategy.

    8. An alarming percentage of cops are little more than bullies with badges, uniformed street gangs, un-indicted felons, in other words. Maybe that’s the theory here.

    9. EssayGuilty722 on

      It’s only a contradiction on the surface. These chuckle heads are, all for fascism. They might not say so, they might be aghast to have that suggested. But anyone who supports a strongman leader and puts party above country is a-ok with fascist policies and practices. And that includes a strong police force that serves the ruling class rather than the citizenry.

      What people like this are signalling, especially since they are unlikely to be the ruling class themselves is “don’t hurt us, we’re the good ones. We know you leopards will never eat our faces.”

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