Out-fucking-rageous that a teacher ever has to voice this

    by CascadiaRocks


    1. This America brought to you and maintained by GQP, MAGA, NRA, 2A-fetishists, and the Ruzzian ruble that is helping to fund all their mouthpieces.

    2. Maybe if we add some barbed wire and armed guards. That will solve the problem. And maybe we can arm the teachers too. Let’s get an armory next to the lunchroom. That makes a lot of sense. If we bump up the security. That of course is the answer….

    3. You have to understand this from a politicians perspective: on the one hand you have the heartbreaking pleas of a grieving parent, a traumatized child, a teacher suffering literal ptsd, and on the other hand you have money. Lots and lots of money.

    4. sorry, best jd vance can muster is, it’s a fact of life. also, very “pro-life” right? mass shootings are a “pro-life”, fact of life.



      and in january 2024, trump said this about the iowa school shooting:

      # Trump tells supporters ‘we have to get over it’ after Iowa school shooting


    5. Republicans: “She should be rewarded!….Send her *another* box of Thoughts & Prayers….”


    6. Je_suis_prest_ on

      Somedays, I ask myself as a mother if I feel safer because my kid’s school has a metal detector. I remember watching TV and holding them as a baby as Sandy Hook happened in 2012. Now the same age as the shooter. I remember being around her age when Columbine happened.

      I’m glad they are there, but they are not enough. I don’t know whatever will be. It’s terrifying as a parent, and I’m thankful to all the teachers that are out there ready to be heroes for our children.

    7. showme_yourdogs on

      Until the child of a politician is subjected to this and/or a fatality, nothing will ever change.

    8. CookieMonsterOnsie on

      I’m sure politicians read it, but the money and support coming in from lobbyists and manufacturers and voters means a whole lot more than the lives of the people they were elected to represent. Vance said as much last week when he admitted that dead kids was just a fact of life here.

    9. Designer-Contract852 on

      I watched a mad teacher on tictok saying he was told to keep a bag of dum dum lollipops in his desk so it there is ever an active shooter he could give the kids a lollipop and they would be less likely to cry or make noise…….this is first grade…….I cried and nearly threwup. This is wrong and sick. Vote blue. It’s not perfect but they are the party that want to ban assault weapons and have more gun control. Mass shootings still happen because of Republicans. Read that last sentence again…..

    10. They don’t care. They just don’t care. It is an acceptable outcome of the freedom to have cool guns.

    11. Why don’t these 2A purists allow people to walk into the state capitol or courtrooms with AK-47s? Why are the same lawmakers who talk about letting (or expecting) teachers to have weapons not allowing constituents to walk into their offices with a loaded machine gun?

      They love to take the money from lobbyists, and dispense thoughts and prayers, but won’t do a damn thing to address the problem from their protective little spaces.

    12. GOP response: so you’re saying you need more guns. Got it. Pushing a bill to mandate all teachers must open carry in schools.

    13. Capital-Constant3112 on

      Holy hell. I used to volunteer at my kids” elementary school and took great joy in it. Especially working in the library. It brought me great joy watching those little people get excited about books and hearing what they had to say. I just picture them as a group when I read this. The juxtaposition of my memories and the teacher’s heartbreak is too much.

    14. Freedom has a cost. And if that cost is traumatizing every generation of children from this point forward then the Republican Party is willing to sacrifice that.

      Oh. And no guns allowed at the Republican gatherings please. We just don’t trust being near you guys when you’re armed.

    15. And Republicans wonder why most of the country doesn’t give a damn Trump got shot. It’s just a fact of life.

    16. Cake_eater_anon on

      I just happened to be working 20 miles from the school when it all went down.

      The TV in the large breakroom was showing the live breaking news scene as it was unfolding.

      I was listening to the chatter among the employees.

      Mind you this was only 20 miles from the school.

      I said out loud to no one in particular. Mostly in frustration.

      When are we all going to agree that this is not OK?

      And one guy turns to me and said.

      “It’s not like the gun walked into the school and shot anybody”

      Another immediately said.

      “It’s the breakdown of the family”

      3rd said.

      “They need to get used to having metal detectors and armed guards”

      Again. This is in their community. They surely have nephews and nieces or some family connection to students and teachers there….

      But despite it hitting home..in their backyard.

      They immediately jumped to defend the guns.

      When I didn’t say a damn thing about the guns.

      This will continue to happen.

      And that fucking idiot Vance was right.

      It is a fact of life in America. But it’s a fact of life that is caused by politicians like him and everyday americans that have decided dead children are acceptable and reasonable price to pay

    17. RavishingRickiRude on

      And Republicans just simply don’t care. I can’t be more plain. Look at their responses. They don’t give two shots this happens because they want to have their fantasies of fighting some imaginary evil government. When, in fact, they are the evil ones. It’s a sickness that they have

    18. utter-ridiculousness on

      They would read it and still not care. JD Vance said it’s just a fact of life. They. Don’t. Care.

      Edit: and the human version of an infected anal gland who is Trump said that “we have to get over it”

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