Never Met The Guy.

    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. Hey I hate Donald Trump and he’s a compulsive liar but he never actually said that. Pull up is fact checks that one’s listed as false. You should repost it with a different headline because this picture definitely needs to be up.

    2. lightning2017gt350 on

      tRump more than likely was a pedo- just look at how much time he spent with ghislene maxwell (sp)

    3. I love that this so easily exists, and yet for whatever reason Facebook boomers are obsessed with ai generated pictures of Kamala hanging out with Epstein.

    4. Trump sucks but let’s stay truthful to maintain our credibility here

      He never said he didn’t know him. That’s been proven to be false. Plus this isn’t some grand discovery. We’ve all seen these. Do better.

    5. Has anyone ever noticed that Melania always looks happier in these pictures? Even has like some sort of a smile. Creepy.

    6. Philly_ExecChef on

      It’s insane how preoccupied right wing people are with pedophiles while simultaneously ignoring his blatant connection with Epstein and a half dozen corroborated accounts of him being a lecherous and rapist piece of shit.

    7. Cool, now do the collage of Oprah handing over young girls Harvey Weinstien. Especially the ones crying because they knew what was going to happen.

    8. With all the proof out there why lie about not knowing him? You could have made some other excuse about why you spent time with him, but lying overall about having even met him just makes you look worse once all the evidence comes out.

    9. The fact that MAGA would twist themselves in pretzel denying Trump’s involvement with Epstein tells you all you need to know about their grip on reality.

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