this one can of carrots didnt get color

    by insideoutrubberboots


    1. WorldsOkayestDad on

      I’m guessing that can shipped without the label and someone in the office just copied one of the other labels and slapped it on, which is a little not ok, but fine I guess whatever

    2. the funny thing is, no one will buy that can. I’ve worked in enough convenience stores and family owned businesses. People will go out of their way to avoid that can. If they have to reach all the way to the back of the shelf and it’s between those two cans, they’ll pick the less convenient one.

    3. Oh, thats the good 💩 “Carrots Black Label”. Exremely rare vintage. 🤪🤣🤣🤣

    4. What I suspect happened here is that the label fell off of that can and it went missing or was damaged. Some store staffer cleverly peeled one of the color labels off of another can, took it to a copy machine, copied it, then carefully cut and placed the black and white copied version onto that can along with the color label they put onto the borrowed can.

      Why they didn’t bother to make it color using an inkjet printer or similar, no idea. Lazy?

    5. Can’t blame them. Replacing that ink cartridge probably costs like 12 grocery stores full of those cans of profit to pay for.

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