Someone was given this $2 bill as a gift to “keep forever”, but obviously they spent it.

    by TwistedBlister


    1. ministryofchampagne on

      They might not have spent it. They could be dead and someone else spent it.

      You shouldn’t assume the worst of people.

    2. Boomers have been convinced $2 bills were going to become valuable collectors items for like 40 years. So fat they’re worth $2

    3. SpaceCatSixxed on

      I still have a 2 dollar bill that my grandpa gave me in the 80s, keep it with me everywhere I go, which is odd because I’m about the least superstitious person I know.

    4. That’s sad no matter how it happened. Whether the giftee didn’t care, or if they really needed to spend it

    5. Man that’s sad as fuck. My great grandmother gave me a $2 bill when i was like 12 to keep with her handwriting on it, still have it.

    6. WhatsMyNameAgain1701 on

      I had a few of these before (20 or 25). New to me at the time German wife, found them in the safe and, luckily for me, showed them to me as she went to throw them in the trash…asking why I had play money in the safe.

      I had to prove to her they were real. She did not believe me. Internet did not exist at that time.

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