Dark Brandon has entered the chat

    by uDoucheChill


    1. Biden has no more shits to give. It’s going to be Dark Brandon all the way until Election Day, and I am 100% here for that.

    2. true:



      >”But if you compare Trump’s performance since 1982, when the stock market started to take off after the early-‘80s recession, it looks pretty abysmal. Forbes estimated that Trump was worth $200 million that year. If he’d put that money in an index fund that year at a 0.15 percent fee, he’d have $6.3 billion today after dividend taxes, almost certainly more than he actually does.

      >This jibes with analyzes prior to Dáte’s which have found that Trump has underperformed compared with the market since 1988; an AP analysis found that if he’d put his money in an index fund that year, he’d have $13 billion today; the S&P calculator similarly suggested he’d have $11.3 billion, after fees and dividend taxes.**”**


    3. If Biden and Obama did a tour together where Obama went high, (“Let me explain to you the economics of tariffs…uh…they are not good…”) and Biden went low, (“Trump’s a rapist, a felon and the poster child for white male privilege…”), I think Trump would stroke out before Election Day.

    4. Trump dude inherited his wealth and he spends his time golfing. He is has never lived a day as a normal American.

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