
    by Valiant_Revan


    1. Well I better not show you
      where the lemonade is made.
      Sweet lemonade,
      Mmm sweet lemonade

      (dance to horse playing keyboard)

    2. Inevitable-Baby148 on

      Just throw that lemonade at someone and technically you just gave them a golden shower

    3. Eat the rich and the greedy. Capitalism consumes itself eventually as generations come and go…

    4. Radiant-Response772 on

      Yes, I make my lemonade with no water. Its so damn organic only the most wholesome people can drink it. 60 a bottle.

    5. Markets are efficient but only when consumers are fully informed.

      It really seems like it was easier to be informed 10 years ago.

    6. Legitimate_Assist_75 on

      Reminder that this is how the market evolved from how customers behave. You vote with your wallet on how products are made. Lemonades made with chemicals are usually cheaper than the ones made with actual lemons, hence people tend to buy them more. The supply follows the demand.

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