Destruction recorded by UN convey

    by Alsharefee


    1. Shot_Independence274 on

      and i`m pretty sure this is going to be taken down extremely fast and downvoted to oblivion…

    2. Almost like sailing on the open sea where you can see the horizon.

      Weird, what happened to all the buildings? /S

      Edit: I would like to add that the UN was very lucky not be blown to smithereens or shot at in this video.

    3. No one hid any of this.
      Those kind of pictures are long out for everybody to see for months.
      There were MANY international reporters around, including those which aren’t al-jazeera-katar.
      This is, sadly, what war looks like.
      Don’t start it – don’t face the consequences.

    4. Prestigious-Aide-258 on

      I like how the UN never show the tunnels in their facilities, in the houses or the fact that hamas is literally being supported by and allowed to operate within most civilllian structure

    5. Ye and now show the Tunnels , Rapists , Terrorists , Massacres and the all supportive “civilians” while scrolling through the Hamas Charta. FAFO

    6. Journalists record this all the time, there is no “they don’t want you to see this” as if this would be secret. There are whole maps out there detailing the destruction. That’s what happens when someone wages war and war comes home.

    7. So UN vehicles aren’t targetet by IDF this time?

      How often do we want to play this game? I remember since i was a child reports of UN human rights watchers, bunkers and medical personal being deliberate attacked. Israeli journalist write this for 40 year now. At the start of this, american Al Jazeera reporters from different branches where shot at by a Merkava tank and all made it life on screen. One man died in an rescue attempt for a woman who got her legs ripped off when the tank fired a second round.

      That’s not exactly new, and neither Hamas nor the anti israeli sentiment in the region came from nothing.

      But you can always count on some morons who start ther racist anti-jewis sentiment storys to help Israel get away with all ther warcrimes. Rly, if they wouldn’t exist, Bejamin had to invent them as agent provocateur.

      Imagen being a israeli citizen who is forced to life in a region where your goverment does everything it can to ensure the nations around hate you blindley, so there is justification for more warcrimes, creating more hate, creating reason for a fascist police state.

      We, the west, sacrifice both Israelis and mulsims alike on the altar of a quarreled middle east and cheap oil. We kill all this children.

    8. I’m just really curious. Hamas was voted as the biggest party in the (last) 2006 elections if I’m correct.

      But are there any sources of demonstrations/voices against Hamas for using violence (like 7 Oct.) or are the civilians just ok with it?

      I know this is not proportional and civilians don’t deserve this, but if they are still supporting Hamas….. I’m trying to get the picture.

    9. Soft-Routine-7226 on

      Imagine they freed hostages… imagine they never slaughtered civilians last year, just, imagine …

    10. Netanyahu: “hey if they are no more Palestinians there is no more Hamas, i know i know, 200 IQ move by me”

    11. 1entreprenewer on

      Seems like you shouldn’t start a war with a military superpower and then hide under civilian infrastructure. But actually, this is exactly what Hamas wants, and by not realizing that you’re falling for it as another useful idiot. They want destruction so the world turns on israel.

    12. Ahhh.. the classic case of the abused becoming the abuser themselves! And among all the people it had to be them, the supposed chosen poeple of g-d!

    13. This is not self defense. This is wholesale, utter destruction – genocide , cultural erasure.

    14. This video text is exactly the problem I have with media coverage of this war. Israel has committed war crimes as every army in every war has, and I’m not gonna defend them and they should be held accountable.

      This, however, is exactly how cities in the Frontline look. From Sarajevo to Mosul, from Raqqa to Grozni to Mariupol or the Frontline villages in Ukraine.

      Watching media coverage pressing journalists and ONGs workers on live TV to say it’s also a Genocide is also sickening, like it was a competition or something.

    15. Israel, and by extension all countries that support Israel, have decided that they would rather see every Palestinian displaced or murdered in the name of eradicating Hamas. Anyone who denies this fact is in denial.

      And the tragedy is that Hamas was born out of a need to defend the Palestinian people against displacement and colonization by Israel. So there is no way to get rid of Hamas by force, it’s literally counterproductive.

    16. Biggest problem with journalists is they expose war crimes, that’s why Israel has a long history of targeting journalists

    17. look at the front lines in Ukraine and let me know if you think the same.

      this is what the aftermath of any and all urban warfare against guerilla fighters looks like. read some history, get to know war.

      it is sad, but inevitable

    18. What happens to a city like this? Is there any point in rebuilding a completely destroyed area vs building a new town elsewhere, or building anything at all since the people are gone?

    19. What do you mean no one wants us to see this? This is all over the TV news in Portugal everyday lol mostly no one cares anyway as well tho.

    20. Anyone from the US talking about “terrorists” should ask themselves why their schools have metal detectors and kids gunning each other down in the halls, not waste energy talking about shit that they haven’t got a clue about.

    21. This destruction is too much but we saw the same terror when radical terrorist raided mumbai in 26/11…..i am sorry to type this but i can never feel sorrow for this i was a kid when i saw and heard those gunshots and screems

      Just wanted to say……i am full off anger off that day which i shouldn’t be cause and eye for and eye will leave the whole world blind but………

    22. It looks like a anti terrorist operation! It looks nice exactly what terrorist deserves. I don’t see the problem. Hamas attacked Israel, Israel responded.

    23. And now the UN members are gonna get killed and all the Western countries are going to collectively explain away how it’s morally okay for Israel to do it in the first place because they wanted to

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