This medal my dad received from his hospital for beating cancer.

    by burnjanso


    1. The medal in Korean says that his treatment for cancer has ended. It was prostate cancer.

      He no longer needs yearly check ups. I didn’t ask him if the medal was gold plated.

    2. Congratulations on your dad’s recovery.

      **암 치료 : Cancer Treatment**

      **종료 기념 : Celebrating the End (of)**

      For those who’s curious as to what’s written on the back, it’ll say:

      **지나간 날에 박수를 : Applause to the days gone**

      **다가올 날에 행복을… : Happiness to the days ahead…**

      I’m sure the OP will be able to see this for themselves.

    3. jon-in-tha-hood on

      Cancer fucking sucks. I’m glad he got the medal. I hope more people in Korea who are battling it will get one too.

    4. Cancer took people from me. We are all fighting cancer every day.

      Your dad won a big victory in that fight. Please convey him my compliments. I salute him.

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