Small circus mosaic at the Villa Romana del Casale, near Piazza Armerina, Sicily, early 4th c. CE. A roman floor mosaic depicting a children’s version of the circus’ chariot races, where the chariot of each team [white, red, blue, green] is drawn by a pair of birds [2560 x 1948]

    by -introuble2

    1 Comment

    1. It seems that there’s no exact agreement on what kind of birds they are:

      * “The four teams (factiones) are each represented by a chariot drawn by two birds of the colour of the team. The factio russata by red flamingos, the factio prasina by green wood pigeons, the factio albata by white geese, and the factio veneta by blue plovers.” from [](
      * “flamingos for the Reds, geese for the Whites, gallinule for the Blues and pheasants for the Greens” from a site’s description sign in [](

      one more site’s description sign in [](

      photo by Ludvig14 in [](

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