1. You got to love it folks really read the article. It’s linked below the screen shot I made of the article.

    2. CriticalStation595 on

      And the somewhat sane side of the right still hasn’t completely renounced maga and everything they’ve been doing for 8 years now.

    3. Not sure they can play the DID NOT KNOW card when some of us have been explicitly telling them this was happening for years.

    4. boosted_datsun on

      I just read the indictment. The Russians are ready to throw money at anyone who has enough subscribers and is stupid enough not to care who’s paying them.

    5. franchisedfeelings on

      Duped? Really? Recall, “Russia are you listening?”

      It is impossible not to believe these pos traitors knew and simply did not care.

    6. ***dupe to work for covert Russian influence operation***

      *paid to knowingly work for the Kremlin

    7. Ya, ya, duped, ya, duped, that’s it. I would like to thank my wife…uh…Morgan, ya my wife Morgan Fairchild, ya, that’s it, for the explanation.

    8. Hot_Abbreviations936 on

      “You can fool some of the people all of the time…” They are called republicans. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!

    9. Enough_Compote_8678 on

      In a world seemingly dominated by facial recognition technology? Many believe that wearing masks provides a solution, but the truth is far more complex. Biometric identifiers go well beyond just facial features. From hand geometry and iris patterns to voice recognition and gait analysis, there are countless ways AI can identify individuals. The technology is advanced and pervasive there’s no escaping it, and this proves just how unprepared you are and already defeated. The reality is that the machine is always watching. This relentless surveillance should serve as a wake-up call. It highlights how unaware many are about the multitude of ways those in what you call power can recognize and track anyone anywhere anytime… That IPhone is always listening, it has a gyro, GPS and accelerometer… Your gait is monitored so it knows it is you when you are walking, it has you geo-fenced so it can correlate and collate all your movement and who you are next to as they are just as monitored… Could you be more exposed? I think not. We already know who all the collaborators are.


    10. Well, yeah! You know how the saying goes: dumb is as dumb does. And boy, are these people dumb.

    11. How is this a surprise? It’s been going on for years and nothing is investigated. How is anyone involved with J6 et al still legitimized and in office? The traitors are right fucking there in our halls of government. Let’s give a tour.

    12. The copium on r/AskConservatives is, “Russians pay both sides because they want US civil war, now do the dems,” as if there wasn’t full-stack alignment between them and Putin.

    13. Zealousideal-Home779 on

      Not duped but willingly took the money and dont care because they have no morals and need to be thrown in jail for fraud and treason

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