Tim Pool? Tucker Carlson? There are more than a few idiots tied up in this, so you’ll have to be a bit more specific

    by ExactlySorta


    1. tucking-junkie on

      Carlson is actively complicit, though. He hates brown folk and LGBTQ+ folk so much that he’d rather live in an authoritarian state than in a state where white straight men are dwindling.

      Pool’s closer to just being an idiot, although his moral character also leaves something to be desired.

    2. AlDHydeAndTheKetones on

      After this, I don’t know if I can trust any right wing influencers! How do I know that Ben Shapiro isn’t being paid by the Kremlin? How will I ever know if they’re telling the truth or just pushing Russian propaganda!?!

    3. HombreSinNombre93 on

      They cry all the way to the bank, by the sounds of it (for some). The sad truth is, people are so inured to Russian (Putin) evil that they don’t care or don’t know. Those that don’t know are willfully ignorant those that don’t care are in a cult, nearly impossible to understand how they try to defend the indefensible.

    4. Simple, you cash out and live the rest of your life on the absurd amount of money you earned from spreading hate and misinformation.

      These people already threw any morals out of the window when they decided to take these payments, you really think they’d suddenly jump out to retrieve them now?

      They’re probably proud of the fact Putin deemed them influential enough to pay them.

    5. CaptainAricDeron on

      Having listened to a fair number of them and been misled by them. . . You accept it. You learn how you made yourself a mark. And then you talk to other people about the mistakes you made, why you made them, and what you learned. Your learning experience may be someone else’s way out.

    6. BringBackApollo2023 on

      I received an email from Ticketmaster saying that Tucker Carlson was coming to town and I couldn’t believe that assclown was touring, never mind that he could fill a venue bigger than a Del Taco.


    7. FaustianBargainBin on

      If you’re someone who qualifies as a useful idiot to the kremlin, it’s likely that you lack any sort of morals or integrity to begin with. IF they weren’t aware of where the money and marching orders were coming from (really big if), then I have a feeling that learning it was Russia wouldn’t actually bother them at all. They were already willing to sell their souls to the devil to spread the vilest hatred and filth, what would it bother them to learn the devil’s name? Their only regret would be getting caught and facing repercussions, but they wouldn’t actually regret their actions.

    8. Long-Astronaut-3363 on

      They are useful idiots AT BEST. Complicit propaganda machines for another government most likely

    9. I’d preach the stupidest, most asanine BS you can imagine if I were being paid 100k per video. So I’m sure Dim Tool and friends will be just fine with it.

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