It’s over for school assignments. Any kid can solve a school assignment in 30 seconds with AI.

    by High_Sleep3694


    1. Dude has an MIT Opencourseware lecture open on another tab I’m so confused. Does he like to study or not study??

    2. BenevenstancianosHat on

      Oh no, you mean parents and teachers will actually have to get involved with their kids’ educations one-on-one and measure their intelligence first-hand rather than relying on them filling out paperwork?

    3. This is not good. Your ass better learn your shit because if I die on the operation table because you cheated your classes, I’m haunting your ass for the rest of eternity

    4. This is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to get through school while not learning anything. If you work hard enough, you can be just as stupid after university as you were before!

    5. I failed a math course because I used SymboLab to “help” me with my assignments, and then I realized I didn’t learn shit.

      Edit: also, if this assignment is meant to be completed on his school’s online shell, it should be tracking how long he’s spent working on it. If it shows that he completed the whole thing in 30 seconds, there might be staff wanting to speak to him about issues involving academic integrity.

    6. Training your mind is a lot like training your body. If you say you ran 5 miles but actually drove, your getting nowhere.

    7. They’ll soon get screwed over by having to take exams and if there isn’t already a plagiarism tool for AI (like the ones currently used) there soon will be one. Hopefully.

    8. 29187765432569864 on

      So in other words, kids pay thousands of dollars for an education at college but then use AI in order to avoid learning anything.
      Then they have weird expectation that they will be able to keep a job after college even though they will still be just as stupid as they were before they paid thousands of dollars.

    9. This just shows the need to shift from knowledge-centric to experience-centric learning in the modern education.

      Focusing on finding solutions to specific problems and cases through experience-based learning and scientific method could provide a better toolkit and tools mastery to prepare for everyday life than undifferentiated mass-training of “Brain LLMs” followed by mass-testing of the recall.

      Unfortunately, change is often hard to accept for many of us, and so it’s easier to imagine a short-term outcome being a wave of bans and revolts against AI/LLMs in education (and other fields) instead of their embrace, adoption and integration into the learning process. But then again, may be not?

      Imagine the speed & quality of learning if it was the opposite!

      This could also be a real entrepreneurial opportunity to build a private school that embraces technology and solution-focused learning over conventional skill-based training & memorization.

      Not every unicorn has to be tech, sometimes tech-enabled can carry business just as far. 

    10. SarcasticSarco on

      AI? Anyone could use the internet. What’s with AI here, the AI itself is using internet so you can just do Google and get your answer. No AI is needed.

    11. I always found interesting that test are synonym with multiple choice tests in US, while in the entire other countries you have written essays (done in class in pen and paper) and interviews to grade students, both of them won’t allow to cheat.

    12. I hate to say it, but this kid is probably going to be able to fake it well into adulthood before crashing on his butt.

    13. The only real way to do exam now is either on paper, or an USB Bootable Linux distro without internet access

    14. Remember the doctor who removed the liver instead of spleen? It will be more common. Exciting.

    15. What bs schools let you bring your own computer to take an exam?

      This might work for homework but any reputable university at least here in Europe has dedicated exam facilities with monitored devices.

    16. AI aint gonna help you when you do paper based exams or board exams. Better learn stuff the old way, only use AI to facilitate understanding,

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