1. Transkeleton199 on

      But that doesn’t lower the cost of daycare, now does it couchy boy?

      If anything, less people using the service might increase prices because they have to charge more to stay open, once again making the poorest or most alone people having to foot the bill

    2. My wife and I are grandparents and we love watching our grand babies. We just can’t set a guaranteed day or two of the week every week for years to be there. Daycares can. It’s not an issue with wanting to help. It’s an issue of not always being able to help.

    3. herewego199209 on

      Republicans have no actual policy for the average american person because right wing ideology is indiviualistic at its core. It’s about pulling yourself up from your boot strap and if you lag behind in society its your fault. He has no policy prescriptions for this because his prescription is cutting taxes for the rich and corporations and the economic theory is thatif you cut more taxes for corporations and the rich they will create more jobs and pay you more so you can afford daycare. Except there’s zero proof of that ever happening and the cost of living is consistently outpacing wages.

      This reminds me of when Ron Paul was asked about single payer healthcare way back in the day and he said he was against it and then stated that healthcare can afforded by communities coming together to help pay for each other. Yeah sure Ron all of those gofundme’s where the person needing a surgery they can’t fund or needing help with getting treatments they can’t fund but are sitting at $50 donated out of 50k needed are being helped by the communities.

      Republicans don’t have policy prescriptions for the middle to lower class. So even asking that question to Vance is stupid. There will be not 1 piece of legislation if that man becomes vice president that will pass that will help families struggling with rent, taking care of their kids, food, cost of living, etc.

    4. HellsBelle8675 on

      Pfft. I don’t have time to babysit my sister’s kids, I’m playing fetch with my cat.

    5. Does this fucker think I would have paid so much in daycare if I had family who wanted to watch my kids?

    6. PeePeeePooPoooh on

      Sometimes I wonder if Vance is intentionally acting this fkn dumb to ensure that Trump loses this election.

      Maybe just wishful thinking on my part

    7. He really has no clue about people in the 21st century. My nearest relative lived 1000 miles from me when my kids were growing up. My parents took care of a couple of my nieces for a week when the nieces were 3 & 5 and swore never again. Most people I know were in similar situations.

    8. Under_Over_Thinker on

      Why would a non problem solver want to run for a position that is all about problem solving.

    9. Cheddarbaybiskits on

      Guess what, Hillbilly Doughboy…in many cases, older aunts, uncles and grandparents *are still working* so they aren’t even an option.

      His answer reeks of privilege.

    10. Pugsofsmallstreet on

      Bro… we are all working… we are all helping.

    11. Maybe you can pay a live-in nanny? Maybe you can get your rich VC friends to pay for a live-in nanny?

    12. this is 2024, JD.

      Maybe Grandma and Grandpa still have to work so that they don’t have to eat cat food every week.

    13. Yep just leave the kids with weird uncle no no, that’s a great idea! SMH these people are crazy!

    14. Maybe grandma and grandpa are dead. Maybe you removed yourself from your immediate family for legitimate reasons.

      Maybe the rapist pedophile preacher won’t rape YOUR kid, so give church a chance. Also, buy my book and rent the movie. Like and subscribe.

    15. Jesus. I am an aunt who LOVES spending time with my nieces and nephews. I devote a whole day to doing whatever they want for their birthday every year (for all six of them) and plan playdates where we do crafts, LEGOs, go to the park, etc. about once a month. That is fun for me. But I chose not to have kids for a reason. I’m all about spending quality time with the kids I love and *occasional* assistance with regular childcare if it’s an emergency, but I’m not going to *regularly* provide free labor because my siblings-in-law didn’t figure out their schedules and budget before having their third kid.

    16. He literally says any woman without children is worthless.

      So if everyone has children, how TF are aunty and grandma going to help? Grandma has other grandkids and not everyone lives in the “small town” they grew up in.

      Fucking unreal how out of touch and “got mine, Jack” these assholes are.

    17. Hillbilly Vanilli’s shtick as “I grew up poor in Appalachia” is tiresome and wrong on so many levels.

    18. Maybe aunt/uncle are also working 50 hour weeks with kids. Like… does he think the issue is no one has asked around?

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