Ronald McNair and Ben Carson were my childhood heroes–and McNair still is

    by Head-Selection-1415


    1. Head-Selection-1415 on

      He could have accomplished so much more had he got the chance to live as long as Carson.

    2. Ben Carson’s fall from grace is absolutely mind-boggling. He was truly an inspiration. He spoke at many conferences eloquently in Baltimore about his childhood and striving for greatness.

      In my adulthood, he then became a Republican and lost his dignity, spirit, and intelligence with one full swoop. All of it to lick Trump’s nuts.

    3. Damn, beat the odds and racism only to lose his life so young. RIP to Ronald McNair and the 6 other brave souls that died in the *Challenger* tragedy.

      Christa McAuliffe was another one on that mission that saddens me, she was a high school teacher who won the draw to be the first teacher in space. Her class was so excited for her and so many kids across the country were watching the launch live when disaster struck. Truly sad.

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