They’re getting crazier and crazier

    by Fit_Understanding214


    1. 12 years of Nazi rule and the most common thing said was evidently “oops”

      Day after day, year after year

    2. fromouterspace1 on

      Carlson said he was rooting for….russia.

      “Tucker Carlson looks like a dog trying to understand a magic trick”

    3. FEMA_Camp_Survivor on

      “Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland had it coming. All the political opposition and minorities did too. The postwar order should’ve never happened”

    4. There’s no doubt Churchill was a villain he’s just remembered as a good guy because he happened to run into a bigger villain.

    5. Isn’t traitor Carlson just another useful idiot who happens to call himself a journalist? I haven’t seen this interview, but last time he did “journalism” he looked like a little puppy interviewing Putin, who took the opportunity to act as if he was clever. What really took the price, was when he went shopping in ruzzia… “Look, you can get stuff in this shopping centre”. He is a fucking joke.

    6. Global_Criticism3178 on

      Well, hmm, the British created concentration camps during the Second Boer War; Churchill was a veteran of that war, so yeah, the Nazis accidentally started the Holocaust by copying the Brits – This guy, probably.

    7. I think anything that has Tucker Carlson’s name attached should be instantly discounted.

    8. Obviously never studied the Bad Wannsee Conference, where the deliberate elimination of Jews, homosexuals, mentally impaired, and other groups was discussed and plans established. An apologist might make a vague and inaccurate case that Hitler didn’t know, but the SS hierarchy did.

    9. “the world is waking up” said by an idiot who **slept through world history 101 in fucking high school.**

    10. Just a friendly reminder that Tucker Carlson started his career as a college student by traveling to Bolivia to support the contras. You know. The right wing death squads who terrorized the countryside in various South American countries for years? He saw those guys and thought “what a lovely group of fellas, I should go down there and assist them.”

      If the guy didn’t come from a wealthy family he’d be considered a criminal. Instead his daddy got him a cushy job as a reporter for the Heritage Foundation. You know, the guys who wrote the 2025 project which is a road map for converting the US to fascism…

      EDIT: forgot to mention he did so to try to get the attention of the CIA to apply for a position but they rejected him because he was too dumb. He was even considered dumb by his own father, whom selected journalism at the heritage foundation because quote: “those guys will take anybody, an idiot could work there.”

    11. TotalLackOfConcern on

      Yeah there was an accident in the specs…..they got gas fitters instead of plumbers to build the showers. Jesus Christ these Nazi lovers are such a bunch of fucking cockwobbles.

    12. Hot_Tailor_9687 on

      The only way that makes sense is if one blames Churchill for not bombing German railways to prevent the transport of Jews to the camps

    13. Evil isn’t always crazy. Don’t let them off the hook. This isn’t the behavior or the mentally unwell—it’s Naziism. Evil plain and simple.

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