Can’t even get a drink in peace😮‍💨

    by Motionofcolor


    1. A_Wild_VelociFaptor on

      Having an opinion doesn’t mean you’re obligated to share it. Mind ya own business and shut the fuck up.

    2. Do people in the US really judge you by your coffee and think black coffee is masculine? Weird. No wonder you get Trump and Vance.

    3. Their coffee tastes burnt and shitty, I would never order that shit black. Those dessert drinks are the only decent thing there, and even those I have to drink a small because it’s so much sugar

    4. My new favorite drink is the dragon drink. I get it almost every day on the way home and since school started there has been a table of the same high school girls looking at me and giggling when I get called to grab it. I’m 38 and it’s fucking delicious and I don’t care who knows about it.

    5. So Mt go to order is a black cold brew. Sometimes I don’t want coffee, I want a goofy tasty milkshake with a shot of espresso in it, so I get a frappé. If that’s a reason to find me unattractive, it won’t work out. There’s plenty about me way worse than enjoying a sugary coffee on occasion.

    6. The beauty of this video is that it will now live on the internet in perpetuity, haunting this person forever for being a terrible person. What people will attempt to do for internet clout.

    7. Listen… Unironically using the “ick” phrase is cringe as fuck, but she has a point, and you would do well to remember that my bros. Only the Reddit NPCnet or theatre people would disagree. But wait, before you get all pissy and butthurt, just keep in mind that you’re a little bitch. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to mute replies to this comment while I enjoy a black light roast ☕️

    8. I mean she is right, Starbucks coffee is ick. Always burned tasting. Even the packaged ones to brew at home.

    9. CaptainSpectacular79 on

      Huh, never thought a taste for watered-down espresso would be the yardstick for peak masculinity

    10. NovemberComingFire on

      Do you know what can really help you sort through these important issues? ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPUCCINOS!!!

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