My wife has had a splinter stuck in her eye for the past 26 years.

    by M-bassy


    1. Made me think of **Matthew 7:3**.

      “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”

    2. Sea-Indication9189 on

      That’s incredibly unusual! It’s amazing she’s managed with it for so long without it causing more issues.

    3. I suspect medical consensus was “does it hurt?” no “does it affect daily life” no “do you want to undergo potential permanent blindness to remove it” no, and no, and also no.

    4. This reminds me when I was sleeping I had a contact roll into then back of my eye, or I thought. Went to the eye doctor and he squirted a whole bunch of stuff into the top of it and shoved some sort of stick and couldn’t find it. Never knew what happened and still wonder if it just somehow went into my eye and back somewhere.

      Can they take the splinter out? Also, how did she get that?

    5. Sweaty-Evening3224 on

      I can’t believe it’s been 26 years. I’d be freaking out if that happened to me. I hope she’s been able to manage it okay. 

    6. Za_Lords_Guard on

      You just gave me heebie-jeebies on parts of my body I didn’t know could get heebie-jeebies.

    7. powertoollateralus on

      Weird story: although I don’t have any visible splinters in my eye, I have scarring that suggests there may be metal fragments that made their way in there. Long story short, I would need an eyeball X-ray before an MRI or risk my eye socket turning into a claymore mine. Eye protection, people.

    8. Charming-Flamingo307 on

      Well your statistics analyzing skills are trash. She was clearly a dumbass 26 years ago, were you even presented any proof of her improvement before you sign half of your everything to her?

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