You’d think with this being such a major taking point, they could give one example

    by BirthdayBoyStabMan


    1. Peskieyesterday on

      The absent outrage for children actually dying from gun violence while active outrage exists for this fraudulent narrative is disheartening

    2. There’s no such thing as a legal abortion after birth. That’s called murder! MAGAts are out of their fuckin minds!

    3. Fifth_Wall0666 on

      Does JD Vance count when he’s not carried to term as Trump’s VP as a legal abortion performed on a child because I could really use that $5,000?

    4. No_Entrepreneur_9134 on

      The Republican Party, or any conservative or “Christian Patriot” organization, really needs to find attorneys who are licensed in these states where after birth abortions are happening and sue to have the Supreme Court put a stop to it. After birth abortions are undoubtedly a violation of the 14th Amendment rights of those babies (deprivation of liberty without due process of law) and a violation of their 8th Amendment rights (equal protection, state can’t sanction murder against one class of persons but not another). Those are just the two arguments I can think of off the top of my head.

      I would think many, many attorneys would take that case for free. But for some reason, Supreme Leader Trump and the Grand ol’ Party are telling us that we have to wait until after the election to do anything about this problem. Hmmmm. I wonder why that could be. I just can’t figure it out.

    5. You can’t call murder abortion. After Britt’s “abortion” is murder lmao. How do people not get this. But if they called people “post birth murders of babies” then the PR around their anti-abortion platform would fracture. Very few people are “pro baby murder” so they wouldn’t hit their target scare demographic.

    6. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Puhleez, there’s a snowballs chance of hitting the senate floor before that happens! Ugh… wait a sec…

    7. I’d also like to place an offer for Republicans to provide concrete proof of ANY of the following:

      -Someone transgender going into their bathroom of choice to assault a person.

      -Someone actively identifying as a cat using a litterbox in school.

      -Legitimate proof that Melania actually likes DonOLD.

    8. Umm any execution carried out by the govt can be categorized as legal Abortion after birth. Can I haz my $5k now pls


    9. APoisonousMushroom on

      We should start a GoFundMe to add to this. $5k doesn’t get much attention, but a GoFundMe fund with a couple hundred thousand or a million likes backing it would get airtime even where these people consume news.

    10. SarahPallorMortis on

      Yeah I love having a full blown pregnancy, pushing it out, just to “abort” it. lol WTF.

    11. I would like to point out that some states that have not banned abortion still have anti-abortion laws like reporting the number of abortions and the demographics of the mothers. Included in these reports are “live births and treatment of the infant”, which are used by dishonest assholes to trick people into thinking viable babies are being born and left to die. The reality is that babies with only a brain stem that are aborted very late due to birth defects will have a heartbeat for a few minutes before dying, so those are the 2 or 3 a year that are considered “live births post abortion” and there is never anything done to save the baby because it’s impossible, the baby was always brain dead.

    12. spacemanspiff1115 on

      And the lack of virtually any MSM interviewer pushing back when they say that over and over. They just sit there and go on to the next mindless question with zero fact checking…

    13. I’ve said it before and I will say it again…. Simply by the actual defiinition of the word “abort”, it is impossible for an abortion to happen *after* the child is born.

      According to Merriam-Webster, “abort” means to “terminate prematurely”. If the child is already born, it is no longer possible to terminate it prematurely.

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