The game is forever gone

    by Zetice


    1. One thing I’ll never miss about Twitter for sure is the leap that people will take to make an outlandish comment.

    2. Efficient_Comfort_38 on

      If any of them actually experienced a day of sex work they would keel over and die. Some people do not need unrestricted access to the internet 

    3. My favorite genre of post is “They saying (something ridiculous/silly/not well thought out),” and it turns out “They,” is just one person everyone is already yelling at.

    4. No-Shelter-4208 on

      Really? I must have done it wrong cos I never got paid. Time to file a complaint with a government agency.

    5. Electrical-Help5512 on

      If your partner treats sex like a reward or a duty then fucking run for both your sakes. Crazy notion but sex should be desired and enjoyed by both people.

    6. Sounds like being a husband is sex work too. I’m going to tell my wife she owes me back pay and overtime.

      RIP to me.


    7. Next_Trade5474 on

      Nah, sex workers actually have sex and give an illusion that they desire the client.

      Wives be avoiding intimacy by any means necessary and will have a chronic headache or fatigue 330/365 days out the year

    8. Special-Garlic1203 on

      I think the comment likely referred to how some more traditional women will act like sex is an obligation in exchange for their husband being the sole breadwinner. That does start to encroach something very very weird. I also don’t think that’s very common these days

    9. LegAppropriate2 on

      Sex work is much easier than being a wife. I’m not married, but I would imagine that many things I expect my wife to do are not things I would expect a sex worker to do.

    10. Consistent_Taste_843 on

      If thats all she is bringing to the table is just sex then i guess so but thats her fault for being 1 dimensional.

    11. The funny thing is…. Look at the legal definition of sex work then think about the common marriage roles and expectations…it’s Sex Work. Marriage is often legal sex work by definition.

      Some funny quotes:

      “Pay per session versus monthly payments (sometimes with a lifetime annuity”

      “With the prostitution you’re actually getting with you paid for”

    12. You mean I’ve been underpaid for 30 years?! I could’ve been getting the most exquisite strokes AND money? My husband will be hearing from my attorney.

    13. I don’t think this is a bad take. Most people aren’t in relationships these days they’re in arrangements. You pay all the bills and get sex in return. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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