[OC] Extreme poverty is at multi-decade lows.

    by RationalOptimistOG


    1. RationalOptimistOG on

      Crazy fact: 38% of the world population lived in extreme poverty in 1990.

      I had no idea.

    2. That’s a lot steeper drop than I would have guessed. I wonder if it’ll start to plateau.

    3. Radical_Coyote on

      The majority (but not all) of reduction in global extreme poverty over this period can be attributed to reduction in poverty in China. China went from being a third of the global population with extremely high poverty rates to being a middle income country during that period. If you look at the data for the whole world except for China the trend isn’t as encouraging

    4. Prudent_Dimension666 on

      “Extreme poverty” is kind of an arbitrary measure made up by think tanks. There are much better metrics for measuring poverty

    5. Data is data.

      “DataIsBeautiful is for visualizations that effectively convey information. Aesthetics are an important part of information”

      Nothing aesthetically pleasing or additionally insightful about some text pasted over a simple line chart.

      The title is also vague – which population? Global?

      Where is the data from? OECD? IMF? UN? A biased poll?

      I’m sorry OP, this is a good try but 1. it could be better and 2. it’s not beautiful

    6. mumblerapisgarbage on

      “Extreme” poverty is defined by outdated income levels. Adjusted for inflation more people live in extreme poverty.

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