Now this is splendid isolation 😎

    by NineteenEighty9


    1. AllandarosSunsong on

      Plus, we’re only a drive or two away from any of the good stuff, but close enough to go home easily when we get sick of it.

    2. CthulhuMadness on

      Yeah, and Trudy still has us starving and homeless. Too busy caring about anyone that isn’t actually Canadian. But he can Carbon Tax us to hell while he rips around on vacation in his private jet eating 225k lunches.

    3. jollygreengiant1655 on

      Well, someone didn’t pay much attention in geography class.

      Canada has borders with 4 nations. One of those is the northern Arctic area that is contested by a certain eastern European country with a different red, white, and blue flag that seems awful fond of destabilizing it’s neighbor’s lately. Oh, and let’s not forget about China showing interest in the North now too.

    4. Mexico being the same as well lol

      Too bad they dont do anything about their cartel issues though

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