Big news! 💙

    by yorocky89A


    1. Excellent. All of the down ballot campaigns lost funding due to donors giving to Harris, so this is fantastic. 🙂

    2. Otherwise_Variety719 on

      Good, as opposed to the trump team who is taking all funds from the down ballot candidates and using it to pay trump’s legal fees

    3. DickySchmidt33 on

      If something similar had been done during the Obama years we would probably have a completely different government right now.

    4. Meanwhile the RNC is continuing to spend money on Trump properties doing half-assed attempts to pose as campaign related shit or something. I don’t think that they even really try to hide the corruption at this point. With that said it helps the down ballot races for the democrats and I take personal pleasure knowing that every cult member who sends this charlatan a penny is being duped.

    5. And Trump had the whole RNC replaced with his family and yes-men so all the money can go to…… his legal fees? Because the dude ain’t really campaigning or anything. Just playing golf everyday

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