Buy yourself an icecream

    by Honest-Car-8314


    1. incompetentflagella on

      I have ice cream for dinner on days I don’t have any appetite. It’s got protein.

    2. LittleMonster4N on

      This is so true I just bought a box of the strawberry shortcake ice cream bars and it felt like a million dollars hahaha

    3. MastodonWise5423 on

      That’s of course if you have any icecream money left after paying all the bills, taxes and other shit that makes the adulthood suck.

    4. firstbowlofoats on

      I became lactose intolerant at 32.  
      I can buy ice cream but now I don’t want to.

    5. I remember becoming paralyzed with joy realizing I could buy a box of Cheez-Its and no one else would eat them all

    6. I’ve been craving ice cream I can’t afford to splurge for, for well over a month and I’m an adult. This is nonsense.

    7. Sexyxmodel_RonzLuv on

      Sometimes the little joys in life, like spontaneous ice cream, make adulthood totally worth it.

    8. My god, yes.
      So went to my hometown, there was the yearly carnival going on, father would never take us. This time we all went.
      I sat in all the rides, and in one perticular ride 4 times in a row, my sisters joined a few times.

      Being an adult has it’s fun if you don’t do stupid things and take your time.

    9. You have to put in a lot of effort, so once you complete your work, enjoying an ice cream feels like a reward

    10. HelpfulSorbet3873 on

      You can also buy yourself an entire birthday cake and eat it on a monday night. Except, you have dumb bills to pay.

    11. malina_so_seductive on

      Then we think about how adulthood needs to suck so that we can buy ourselves ice cream whenever we want

    12. NecroHandAttack on

      True and all that will happen is you’ll get type 2 diabetes and have to take insulin the rest of your life

    13. ShyraElectra_G on

      Hell yeah! No one gonna stop me from enjoying mint choc chip ice cream in the middle of the afternoon.
      2 servings of mint choc chip for dinner? Go for it!

    14. I can but I can’t. Because I will have digestion problems and acne and will gain weight and ton of other reasons why I still can’t buy effin’ ice cream whenever I want!

    15. Ok-Investigator-6303 on

      And you can buy any cereal you want. Even if you don’t want most of them anymore. 😆

    16. I’m having salad for dinner. Nothing beats a good healthy salad. One with all sorts of things, soft and crunchy, sour and sweet, cabbage, veggies and fruits, like grapes, lots of grapes, grapes are excellent to a salad, my salad will have plenty of grapes, it will maybe not have so many veggies, and I’ll probably hold back on the cabbage accordingly, but not the grapes, I’m actually gonna really focus on the grapes, and grapes alone, the sweetness and vitamins will do me good, and to intensify the salad I’ll go for the pressed grapes, the stored ones, they store them i barrels and bottles, until they develop a delicious complex set of overtones in the taste, like a bouquet in wine … which … I mean … yes, it’s .. allright, I’ll probably have wine for dinner. Just a glass … -bottle. Or two. Again.

    17. Ok-Investigator-6303 on

      Wow, meme is wholesome. Comments not so much. I’m in a third world country and we have lactose free ice cream here for everyone that’s looking for some.

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