The person who automatically adopts every RW talking point is calling others NPC’s

    by Merchant_Alert


    1. Hope all the people on twitter are listening, don’t reflect the same talking points that they see on there

    2. They say they’re against the “mainstream.” But they don’t realize they’re swimming with another stream, a shitty polluted one. How about climbing out of the river instead?

    3. I hate when I say something like homelessness is bad and then someone calls me an npc, IF ITS SO BASIC OF AN OPINION THEN WHY AREN’T WE DOING SHIT ABOUT THE HOMELESS?

    4. Most people don’t have the time to, “do your own research”. So we rely on others and media who we trust to give us that info. Nothing wrong with that, that’s how society works. But always read between the lines on why you’re being fed this info. If it’s political, always take it with a grain of salt. Especially if it’s from left or right leaning media, a celebrity, or multi billion dollar corpo.

    5. He’s projecting. This would be funny, that one of the richest persons in the world has a fear of being an npc, if not for the damage his actions have done.

    6. Isn’t he the epitomy of a major corporation and celebrity? Isn’t he also exaclty doing all that?!

    7. Bitter-Plenty-5303 on

      How can you even drop that deep?! Everytime I think that the bottom is reached he teaches me otherwise

    8. As a non-American watching the dumpster fire you call politics, this seem very much true for the left and the right.

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