What exactly is going on in there?

    by TheDaemonair


    1. Morning police call aka picking up trash. Found a butt plug. Mundane task for a little more interesting.

    2. When I was stationed in South Carolina, there was a Sailor that tried to convince his fellow furries to be proud of who they were. A small group of people were spotted walking around base with their tails on (in). Kid really thought he was starting a movement. He was almost transferred out of the military several times for doing equally stupid shit and then having a victim complex “because he’s gay”.

    3. ClydeFrogsDrugDealer on

      Well who else you gunna make police call the butt plug in the parking lot? Boot up!

    4. AvailableFunction435 on

      He looks like he saw something worse than war. He looks traumatized for real. No “skunk” will ever look the same to him💀

    5. The first look at an upcoming scandal about a strange initialisation rite in that military unit.

    6. BobLoblaw_LowBomb on

      Ohhh, it’s a butt plug. I’m like “why has he got a scarf with metal on it?” It genuinely took me a few watches. Me and my innocent mind.

      Wait, is it?

    7. AbsoluteMaestro on

      Marines always take it to the next level. Flag football and the unit get together just got real.

    8. “Just part of a costume sir, This is what a found in enemies ground” “And for what purpose that rounded metal shape serve soldier? ” “Probably some kind of Spy tecnology they probably insert directly in the a…” “ENOUGH, end of instructions, please do not report This” “let me analize befor..” “Just get rid of that damn thing soldier”

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