Taking wife swapping to the next level

    by Broad_Two_744


    1. In china a common way desperate peasant made more money was by ‘renting’ their wives to other men. How this happened varied. In some cases wives were forced by their husbands by force to sleep with other men. In some cases wives and husbands both came to the mutual conclusion that yeah they were broke and needed more money and there only way to survive was by the wife to sleep with another men.  And In one case a woman began sleeping with other men for food and money, and told her husband after it had been going on for a while and essentially said ‘’hey where broke and need the food and money to feed our kids so deal with it’’. 

    2. Killed_By_Inaction on

      I love how China is either on top of the world, stable leviathan or dystopian self-deprecation in exchange for basic subsitance.

    3. Individual_Milk4559 on

      Is it a joke I’m not aware of in this sub to use ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’, or are people just stupid?

    4. That’s bad but honestly pretty tame for historical standards… women have gone through far worse lol

    5. Uh oh you made the wrong sucker a cuck-hold. So time to pay the piper for the pants you unbuckled. Hey hey, you can keep seeing my whore-wife if the price is right, if not, I am telling YOUR wife.

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