[OC] College Return on Investment Heatmap (Interactive)

    by CollegeNPV

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    1. **Interactive version available here:** [Interactive Heatmap](https://www.collegenpv.com/collegeroiheatmap)

      **Data source:** CollegeNPV ROI estimates, which leverage Department of Education data to estimate the present value of degree programs taking into account graduation rates, expected income, debt obligations and contrasting it with the expected value of entering the workforce immediately out of high school. If interested, you can view my full rankings and more information on my methodology here: [View CollegeNPV ROI Rankings](https://www.collegenpv.com/)

      The size of each rectangle represents the number of programs (larger rectangles are more popular fields of study), and color indicates the median ROI of programs ranked in the respective field.

      **Tools:** D3.js & Powerpoint

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