I get the feeling the more illegal sites will shut down the more anime will suffer in general. It feels like banning free porn…
axolotl_104 on
AnimeSaturn user:
AnimeWorld user:
I’m waiting for the Italians
Angelote83 on
Or Torrent.
arahmanx on
JJ185678 on
I watch some Anime aniworld
Kazurion on
We are living the stream service regression. It’s all back to torrents and private trackers. Anime will be hit even harder because such services censor things and availability is even worse.
Sure, it’s not the most accesible way but at least you will get the finest quality in return.
because some people really answer surveys like where do they watch anime illegally lol
Me torrenting UTW during the glory days of fansubbing in 2011
“2018” bro..
Godsend channel
I get the feeling the more illegal sites will shut down the more anime will suffer in general. It feels like banning free porn…
AnimeSaturn user:
AnimeWorld user:
I’m waiting for the Italians
Or Torrent.
I watch some Anime aniworld
We are living the stream service regression. It’s all back to torrents and private trackers. Anime will be hit even harder because such services censor things and availability is even worse.
Sure, it’s not the most accesible way but at least you will get the finest quality in return.