The Russian Civil War was full of people doing terrible things, so Roman von Ungern-Sternberg standing out as especially bad is really saying something.

    by Unlikely-Friend-5108


    1. Crazy_Confection1967 on

      Even the Mongols recognized this guy as the god of war and gave him the title darkhan-hoshoi-chin-wang

    2. Unlikely-Friend-5108 on

      Roman von Ungern-Sternberg was a deranged and delusional Russian military officer best known for his brutality during the Russian Civil War.

      To make a long story short, during the Russian Civil War, Ungern (as I’ll call him from here on out for the sake of convenience) joined up with the Whites and was put in charge of Dauria on Russia’s border with Manchuria. His administration was incredibly brutal, with Jews being singled out for particularly cruel treatment.

      In 1920, he broke with the Whites and waged a campaign to drive the Chinese out of Mongolia and restore the Bogd Khan to power there. His plan was to create a new Mongol Horde and use it to conquer Russia, ushering in a new age of apocalyptic glory. Ungern’s tenure as warlord of Mongolia was, if anything, even more brutal than his rule over Dauria had been, killing Jews, suspected communists, and pretty much anyone he felt like. When the Soviets invaded Mongolia in 1921, Ungern attacked Soviet territories in retaliation until some of his own officers, finally fed up with his madness and nastiness, handed him over to the Red Army. He was given a show trial, during which he expressed no remorse for his actions, and sentenced to immediate execution by firing squad.

    3. TheDolphin_4237 on

      Open wikipedia

      Read “anti-communist”

      Read nothing more

      Anything to stop communism is based

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