A new law granting Australians the “right to disconnect” went into effect on Monday. This means many Australians can now ignore emails, messages or calls after normal working hours. Their employer could be fined if they violate this rule.

    by Simple-Elevator-7753


    1. WillieDFleming on

      The company I work for definitely does not have the “right to disconnect” rule in place, but hey, it’s cool with me because I’d rather fix a problem quickly than walk into a 💩 storm the next morning.

    2. Coincidentally the people who choose not to disconnect will, purely by coincidence, be the people who end up promoted, by coincidence.

    3. Ok-Introduction-244 on

      It won’t make a difference for most people.

      > I doubt it’ll catch on in our industry, to tell the truth though,” David Brennan, a worker in the financial industry, told the news agency. “We’re well paid, we’re expected to deliver, and we feel we have to deliver 24 hours a day.”

      Your boss can’t directly punish you, but you’re competing against your co-workers for raises and promotions. If you want to be successful, you will do what everyone else is doing.

      More than that, the law has exceptions that aren’t defined.

      > Instead, it gives staff the right not to reply unless their refusal is deemed unreasonable.

      How would anyone know if it’s unreasonable? They won’t.

      This just feels like political masturbation. It sounds good, helps nobody and changes nothing.

    4. retro_underpants on

      I suspect this is because Australia doesn’t have something similar to the working time regulations that Europe has?

    5. Immediate-Ad1547 on

      Are you telling me that up until now in Australia your employer could bother you outside of office hours? In Europe this type of protection has always existed.

    6. constundefined on

      Seems like incentive for companies to increase outsourcing even more. People in the Philippines Vietnam and India with the means to set up business models offering 24/7 customer/product support could stand to scoop up some juicy contracts.

    7. I feel weird about this law, like what if you want to work? I know that sounds foreign to many people here, but I for example want to work into the night or weekends sometimes to get a project completed. I benefit financially from it with huge bonuses and stock. If this became a thing, how does it affect people like me?

    8. We are expected (required) to answer the phone, check emails, read and respond to texts. But it doesn’t go both ways, if you try to contact one of the bosses ( and there are many of them ), you 99% of the time will not get a response. However, you will get your ass chewed for making a decision and proceeding.

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