It's worth like 76p and it would cost more to get it exchanged. I'm also never going to the US.

    by WeirdoWolfBoy


    1. bangerangerific on

      That’s funny, I work in las vegas on the strip and most people from the uk don’t even tip. And they’re not shy about it either, they’ll tell us straight to they dont tip

    2. -Generaloberst- on

      The US has a tipping culture because they underpay their staff. I don’t know that much of the US, but I think that even for US standards this is laughable.

    3. TuftOfTheLapwing on

      UK citizen here. I’m not surprised, it’s a hill quite a few Brits are willing to die on. The view that tipping must remain optional in order to make employers pay employees properly is widely and strongly felt. I get that US culture is different, but when people basically help themselves to your money, when you’re on holiday and already paying a lot of money to have a good time, it can grate somewhat.

    4. TuftOfTheLapwing on

      Find a use for this dollar note! I suggest folding it up and popping it under a table leg to make it level.

    5. When I first visited Europe I bought old currency on ebay before hand and would present it to bartenders as a joke to pay.

      “What do you mean you don’t take Liras anymore?” lol!

      I would leave them as a souvenir afterwards and a bartender in Paris even gave a free shot, good times!

    6. Less than nothing, since the cost to convert it to pounds/pence would actually leave you out of pocket.

    7. Tips are evil and shouldn’t exist. And this dollar bill in the UK conveys this important message very nicely

    8. theghostofcslewis on

      You put it in a box and light a candle for someone. They will figure out who it will serve best.

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