The Evolution of My Eye Color (Age 2, 6, 17, 29)

    by corilee93


    1. Ohh that’s really cool, my are really close to this exact transformation.

      When I was around 2, I had gray/light eyes and after that I switched to this green/brown orange, and it’s exactly the same with the lightning as some days I have green eyes while others they just look brown.

    2. Do your parents have hazel or green eyes? Wondering since my baby has blue eyes from dad and I’ve heard hazel and green only appear when parents have it

    3. WickedCurious on

      This was me too. I know I at least had blue eyes in my baby pictures at 1 year old. Now my eyes are hazel.

    4. SpookiDooki69 on

      Hey, you stole my eyes! Literally have the same colors mine went from aqua, to emerald, to light green, to hazely green. Mine also color change w lighting/clothing color. I LOVE the “range” look on a sunny afternoon, I’ve been told they look like Tigers eyes on occasion

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